Pucker up for Instagram


Instagram.  It’s everywhere. Stalking you on Facebook,  checking out your twitter. People have been known to use it for absolutely everything. ( This may or may not include every meal that instagram  users have had throughout the day.)  If you’ve eluded it’s capture like I have, it’s probably because of one thing…

…Your phone is a dinosaur.

(Yay us?)


Truth be told it’s only available as an app through Apple or Google Play. So as much as I hate bracing myself for the instagram explosion that happens every time I log onto Facebook,  I have to give it some credit. It’s taken off, and the crowd is gobbling it up. Is it any wonder that it’s even become a marketing tool as well? Why not? Why not take interest in a company that sold for a billion smackers?


And while it may be true that some companies are using the population’s ravenous appetite for new photos that look like they came from a Kodak Brownie… there are some things that haven’t changed. Like, oh, I don’t know…having a strategy. Even Instagram has it’s do’s and don’ts.


1) Text is great…but only in moderation.

2) Stock is fantastic and all, but sometimes you just want the real thing. We see dressed up ads every day, how about something different?

3) That post button doesn’t have to be your friend every two seconds.  <— Apparently this is a “don’t”  for business, maybe this could extend to everyday life?

4) Keep people involved.  It’s like choosing between an automated system and a real person. Which one would you want?  I get a machine…I hang up.  Don’t give people a reason to hang up! I was going to give this one a “5)” but they kind of go together. Comment back to your followers.  It makes perfect sense to me.  In the end it’s about communication. Sure, some companies  are huge but why should you get the one size fits all experience?

19779998Hush, Willy. In this day an age about everything is possible.  To be honest my understanding is this:





It doesn’t matter if your a large business or a small one, all you have to do is to remember to KISS.